What Do I Need To Know?
What Happens To The Person Who Just Got Arrested?
This question is frequently asked by those who, for the first time, are faced with helping a person get out of jail. First, the arrestee is taken to a holding facility and that person is 'booked in'. This booking process involves fingerprinting, the so-called mug-shot, and a search for outstanding warrants. The charges are confirmed, the bail amount set, and last, a court date and time may also be set before release. This process may take a few hours. If no outstanding warrants exist and it’s not a capital crime (murder), or certain criminal act that requires first appearance (to see judge) the person is eligible for bail.
How to Secure a Bail Bond
The question is, "How do I obtain a bail bond?" Answer: It's simple and it's quick - it may take only minutes, at the most. We'll need some information from you, such as, what is your relation to the person in jail, how long have you lived in your current place of residence, and how long have you been at your present job? This gives us a good understanding of you - the potential signer for the defendant in jail.
Sometimes we may ask for collateral depending upon the bond amount, the security risk of the defendant and the financial strength of the signer. It's really very simple. Remember, bailing people out of jail is all we do!
FACT: A bondsman guarantees to the court that the person will appear to face his or her charge.
The Basic Structure of a Bond
There are two parts to a bond. The 10% fee, which is the fee charged to the customer and is based on the full bond amount of the bond. This can be paid with a credit card, check, cash or if necessary - we'll help you with a short term loan, in form of a payment plan.
Next, the full value of the bond needs to be collateralized (in some cases). This can be accomplished without using your home as collateral, or coming up with large amounts of cash, or pledging other assets. Most bonds don’t require collateral. This process is known as a signature bond, which means that no collateral is taken; we've based our decision on the merits of the bond and the financial strength of the cosigner.
To obtain a bond remember to talk straight, be realistic about your ability to pay, and understand the need to get that person to court, because you are accepting the full financial responsibility for them should they forfeit. Again, the total process may take only minutes.